A scholarly Viera with a heart of gold. Follow the White rabbit as his story unfolds.Renwin Duloc | Brynhildr | Crystal | EST
carrd template by cassiaslair.
Hello! I am a 35+ year old RPer in the EST zone. I have been RPing for about 3 years now in FFXIV but I have been writing most of my life. I am happily married to the wonderful Hillaru ♥♥♥ IC and OOC.
I'm an (unpublished) author who spends most of his time reading, writing or, worldbuilding. I'm currently working on a high fantasy novel and outlining three (four? five? please help me I can't stop doing this. Send help!) others.
I'm usually available most evenings or even some afternoons if I am not working on something pressing. This is subject to change, but you're free to ask me a time that best suits your schedule.
I generally try to lean into light-hearted and adventurous RP. Dark themes aren't likely as they're not something I am particularly interested in with strangers. I am a survivor of sexual assault and tend to immediately shut down anything non-consensual or predatory.
Third Person RP only, please.
Please do not approach for RP if you are under 18 years of age.
WU/T Friendly. RP tag on = feel free to approach.
Okay with M/E/RP, but please send tells first to discuss.
Discord available upon request for RP or just chatting!
Please, and I cannot stress this enough, keep IC and OOC separate. Do not blur the lines. I am friendly like a golden retriever but that doesn't mean I am interested in anything OOC. I am happily married with no interests other than friendship. I've had bad run-ins with people imagining I am in love with them or trying to pry me apart from my wife to get me alone. Not interested. We are polyamorous IC only. Not OOC.
Romantic RP is fine, but please do not expect it right out of the gate. My wife and I require a comfort zone and prefer to engage with one another's partners in some fashion i.e. at least be a friendly level of discussion and chatter.
I didn't wanna end on 13. But there was room here. Thank you, cassiaslair for this awesome carrd design!

NAME. Renwin Duloc
GENDER | SEXUALITY. Male / Finsexual (Feminine In Nature)
AGE. ~50 Years Old
RELATIONSHIP STATS. Married. Polyamorous. Open.
BIRTHDAY. 21st Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
PATRON. Nophica, the Matron.
HEIGHT. Doesn't like talking about it >( (5'6")
WEIGHT. 145 ponze.
JOBS AND OCCUPATIONS. Scholar. Goldsmith. Theologian
PLACE OF ORIGIN. Born in Golmore Jungle. Raised on Aloalo Island.
HOME. Ul'dah
AFFILIATIONS. Renwin is the owner of the Rabbit and the Ring Jewelry located in Ul'dah.
FAMILY. Renwin has a wife, Hillaru, and a partner, Zora. He also has an adopted daughter, Dahlia, who has left home to make her mark as an adventurer like her step-father.
HAIR COLOR. Natural White with Red Tips
NOTABLE FEATURES. Scar beneath left eye. Floral pattern tattoos covering much of his body. Faintly smells of cinnamon.
PERSONALITY. Renwin is an easy-going, carefree Ravan who spends much of his time studying ancient texts ranging from Mhach to Allag to Yafaemi. He has a generally kind-hearted demeanor that many can't help but feel compelled to wish to gravitate towards. And yet there is something just beneath the surface that touches on mysterious and captivating all at once. Curious. BACKGROUND. Renwin was born in Golmore to a loving mother, Brynda, and an unknown father. Even from a very young age, the Garleans occupying his mother's village took interest in his prowess with aether; threatening to steal away with Brynda's child and do experiments on him to better their research into fighting against Eorzeans across the sea.Brynda refused to surrender her only son to the Garleans. She wove a glamour over Renwin, changing him from a Viera to an Elezen to hopefully fool the Garleans, and set out along with Renwin's father to steal a Garlean boat and ferry them both to safety in Eorzea. They made it far until a Garlean airship saw them and destroyed the vessel, killing both of Renwin's parents and casting him out the sea on the ship's wreckage. Perhaps protected by the Navigator, Renwin was discovered on the shore of Aloalo Island, where a kind Lalafellan family took him in and raised him.He spent much of his formative years on Aloalo, learning about arcanima and polishing the many jewels mined from deposits on the island. But Renwin always felt that the forests there were where he belonged. Until one day they weren't enough and he stole away on a ship to Eorzea against the wishes of the village's elder. The elder bestowed a curse upon Renwin and, sure enough, a terrible storm wrecked the ship he was on. He woke up on the shores of the Silver Bazaar.In a world he was entirely unfamiliar with, Renwin hitched a ride on a chocobo cart and the rest, as they say, was history.
Books. Renwin loves books of all kinds. Old books, new books, books inside of other books; you name the book, he'll wanna read it. His house is full of books. If he could live inside a book he would. Did I mention he likes books?
The Twelve. Renwin has long admired the Twelve and practiced as a healer at a temple to Menphina for a time. He holds Nophica in highest regard but also deeply respects Halone and Llymlaen, his lovers' patrons.
Jewelry. Renwin repairs, creates, wears, alters, and possibly even survives on jewelry. If you need a chronometer adjusted, a ring crafted for an eternal bonding, or just a fancy little piece for your collection; he's your Viera.
Divination. Are you interested in guidance in your life? Have you need for advice on a future purchase or important decision? Renwin is capable of reading Runestones (done OOC by the player!) and is delighted to help those in need of his services. You may often see him at festivals selling his services across the star.
His Wife. Renwin loves to talk about his wife. They are the light of his life and it's rare to hear Renwin go five seconds without mentioning them.
Exploring Ruins. Renwin is an avid explorer. He loves nothing more than to go out into the world and just find undiscovered myths and ruins of long since lost civilizations. He has a small log book he keeps of his travels.
Aloalo Island. Renwin originally lived on Aloalo for a long time. He spent much of his formative years there. His interest in arcanima came from this very place. While he has recently returned to find the island abandoned, he knows that one day people will repopulate it and bring it back to the state it was before he left.
Healing. Renwin is an accomplished healer, despite what his fae might tell you. If you've need of physical healing, a relationship that went sour, or just a shoulder to lean on, Renwin still is well-versed in soothing the ailments of those he meets. Feel free to ask him for healing should you have something that needs mended.

Hillaru Duloc - Wife
The Moon in Renwin's darkest night, Hillaru has been his constant lover, companion, and protector from day they met. More importantly, Hillaru honored Renwin by accepting his hand in marriage and the two have been inseperable since. Through thick and thin, Hillaru has remained at Renwin's side; keeping him fed when he's forgetful of his own well-being or tugging him off to a bath when he's made a mess of himself in the workshop and not noticed how awful he smells.

Zora Majha - Partner
Renwin and Hillaru's Star. Zora came to Renwin with a broken heart and asked for him to help mend it. The two immediately hit it off and soon Zora had become a new part of Renwin and Hillaru's relationship. With Hillaru's assurance and Zora's ever vigilant love, the three created a throuple that still holds strong after an entire year. Renwin is always excited to see his Star whether it's cuddling up with a good book, sharing a meal Zora cooked for him, or just lounging around the house together, the three have become inseparable partners.

Yana Mistsplitter - Friend
Yana and Renwin met one evening at the Honey Bee Inn and soon became fast friends. Renwin loves sharing stories with Yana and, even though he acts embarrassed, the teases she delivers to him ceaselessly. He's become rather fond of her over time and has cherished the time they spent together, every encounter making him look forward to more. Who knows what mischief the cotton candy colored Miqo'te has in store for him? He's excited to find out.

Khada Jin - Friend
Is she a fish? Is she not? Renwin's not really certain. But he certainly enjoys Khada's company. Though she is shy and demure, Renwin has found Khada's demeanor to be unshakably infectious. For some reason, he has taken an extremely focused interest in helping Khada figure out the mysteries of her past. Perhaps he feels it's a mystery that is just begging to be solved. But maybe he just can't help but want to help someone who has been so absolutely kind and sweet to him too.

Selene and Eos - Bonded Fae
Ruby - Free Fae
Eos and Selene are Renwin's bonded fae who he found while destitute and desperate wandering across Eorzea. They offered him food and he, not knowing the way of fae, took it. He offered them his name. They practically didn't even have to try to trick him. He did all the work on his own. Eos is his adorable little lazy fae who enjoys eating, sleeping, eating, sleeping, and sometimes helping him on his adventures. She is dating Ruby, a free fae whom Renwin and Hillaru helped rescue. Selene is, for a lack of a better term, a total little brat. She constantly bullies and harasses Renwin, hiding her true feelings for him beneath a veneer of sass. Renwin has recently learned that Eos and Selene were his mother's fae during her time as a Scholar.

King Tongs - Menace to Society
A sentient pair of kitchenware brought to life by fae magic, King Tongs helps(?) Renwin in the kitchen whenever he needs help grabbing things with his handy, dandy, clickety-clackity nonsense. Renwin helped rescue King Tongs from Selene's mischief, taking him in and tolerating his ceaseless obsession with the Ala Mhigan Serials that play on his Allagan Idiot Box. King Tongs is quite partial to The Adventures of Antonio: The Shirtless Ala Mhigan Heartthrob and his Swashbuckling Adventures.He's also wanted for arson in at least two of the major city states.

Marquis Flufflebottom the IVth, Esquire - Sheep(?)
He's just a sheep. Right? Right...? Riiiight?Renwin is pretty certain the Marquis is some sort of abandoned Allagan tech covered over by wool, cute wittle ears that wiggle, a spirally wittle tail, and oh Twelve, lookit his wittle hooves.He is Death Incarnate. He is the Destroyer of Worlds. He has an insatiable lust for death and none escape his cruel touch.Or he's just a sheep. Probably. Yeah.